that's pretty funny situation.
when you removed router from your setup, both servers were able to get correct commands and it turns out neither site allow fxp transfer.
[R] 500 Illegal PORT command.
[L] 500 Illegal PORT command.
but your router was 'breaking' commands used for fxp transfers which cuased you to do 'fake fxp'(local download and upload)

there are 2 things you'll have to do. one is to see if there's an update to your router or somehow change it's configuration so it doesn't screw around with ftp commands sent by flashfxp. also moving ftp server to non-default(tcp 21) port or using ssl encryption should prevent your router from messing with ftp commands. but even if that's done, either or both servers will have to be reconfigured to allow fxp transfers.
btw, what is the name/model of your router?