Originally Posted by FusedD
Sorry my question obviously offended your Super Duper FTP knowledge. I may not have the in and outs of ftp CLIENTS down or know that it wouldn't do this. I connect to my Xbox on a regular basis, so I thought this might be possible.

the question that you asked sounded like from somebody who doesn't understand the basics behind client/server type protocol, so i explained it to you as simple as i could. you connect to your xbox on regular basis becuase your xbox is running ftp server.
Since it is not, a no would have been enough, but that wouldn't have been arrogant enough, eh?
i prefer to explain to people WHY, rather than a simple no..otherwise somebody would complain that i was too arrogant

to spend my free time helping them
And my FlashFXP does what it needs to do obviously, upgrading the build wouldn't accomplish what I need so I don't see the point really.
such ancient builds are no longer supported. you are free to use it as long as you wish, however if you have some issues with it, don't bother asking for help with it until you upgrade.