Originally posted by rnsmelody
well excuse me im just asking a simple question.. it was flash fxp that caused the problem..... whateverz.. man..
No problem, if you are unsure if it is FlashFXP .. doesn't hurt to ask. But since we established it is actually NOT flashfxp, and it couldn't be, no need to continue to ask about it. Since there is no problem with flashfxp. The problem is with you and the ftp server you are trying to connect to. It doesn't have the daemon running, and if others say they can connect, then maybe your account has been disabled. (I have a lot of ftp's where you can only connect to when your IP is in the allow-hosts list; not being on that list will cause an Connection refused.) Maybe your internet service provider has given you new ip range or whatever. Contact the site operator of the FTP.
And, no need to pull attitude

We 'are' actually trying to help you here.