about the last msg i changed anuke(mp3,sections) for anuke(0day,sections), this was that error, now it's fixed.
But when i try to fxp the first zip is tranfered ok, the .diz is excluded, the .nfo is ok the but the next .zip from the same rls are not accepted and see other error:
06-01-2006 00:09:14 "c:\ioFTPD\scripts\ioBanana\ioBANANA.itcl" terminated abnormally
--------------------------- ErrorInfo ----------------------------
invalid command name "2"
while executing
(procedure "race" line 43)
invoked from within
"race "$parent" "$release" "$realdir" "$files" "1""
(".zip" arm line 17)
invoked from within
"switch [string tolower [file extension $realpath]] {
".sfv" {
set files [initsfv "$realdir" "$realpath" "$parent" "$release"]
output "SFV: OK!"