and i found this error in my autonuke:
...06-01-2006 00:00:55 "z:\ioFTPD\scripts\ioBanana\ioAUTONUKE.itcl" terminated abnormally
--------------------------- ErrorInfo ----------------------------
can't read "anuke(mp3,sections)": no such element in array
while executing
"foreach section $anuke($type,sections) {
set browse [getpath [lindex $section 0]]
set sec [getsection [lindex $section 0]]
set path [resolve pwd $b..."
(procedure "anukecheck" line 5)
invoked from within
"anukecheck "mp3" "ismp3" "ANUKEMP3""
(procedure "autonuke" line 7)
i think have something bad configured in it, but i dont know what :P