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Old 05-21-2006, 06:56 AM  
Junior Member
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 10
Default Can't open Binary Mode Data Connection for next file in que


I have trouble with FlashFxp.

It can't open data connection for the next file in the que if i download larger files (50 MB).
It only works if i manually disconnect and reconnect again. It doesn't occur if i download smaler files.

What is causing this problem?

* FlashFXP v[ 3].[32 ], build [1094 ], [ ]registered, [X ]unregistered, [ ]pirated
* OS [X ] WinXP, [ ] Win2K, [ ] Win98, [ ] WinME, [ ] Other
* Running behind NAT/router [X ] Yes & Model [Sinus154DSLBasic3 ], [ ] No, [ ] Not sure
* Running firewall [ ] Yes, Name [ ], Ver. [ ], or [X ] No
* Running Antivirus [ ] Yes, Name [ ] or [X ] No
* Network [X ] xDSL, [ ] CABLE, [ ] Dail-Up, [ ] Other

additional info if related
* FTP server(s) name [ Serv-U], version [ 6]

Here is the relevant part of the log:

[13:20:15] [R] PORT MYIPWASHERE,195,92
[13:20:15] [R] 200 PORT Command successful.
[13:20:15] [R] REST 10553293
[13:20:15] [R] 350 Restarting at 10553293. Send STORE or RETRIEVE.
[13:20:15] [R] RETR file-pack.r19
[13:20:15] [R] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for file-pack.r19 (50000000 Bytes).
[13:26:51] [R] 226-.-----------------------[Download Stats]--------------------------.
[13:26:52] [R] 226-| Filename | Size | Speed |
[13:26:52] [R] 226-|---------------------------------------+-------------+-----------|
[13:26:52] [R] 226-| file-pack.r19 | 38522 KB | 97 KB/s |
[13:26:52] [R] 226-:---------------------------------------+-------------+-----------:
[13:26:52] [R] 226 Transfer complete.
[13:26:52] Resumed: file-pack.r19 37,62 MB in 6 minutes 36 seconds (97,1 KB/s)
[13:26:52] [R] PORT MYIPWASHERE,195,93
[13:26:52] [R] 200 PORT Command successful.
[13:26:52] [R] RETR file-pack.r20
[13:26:52] [R] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for file-pack.r20 (50000000 Bytes).
[13:27:13] [R] 425 Cannot open data connection.
[13:27:13] [R] Transfer Failed!

[13:27:13] [R] PORT MYIPWASHERE,195,94
[13:27:13] [R] 200 PORT Command successful.
[13:27:13] [R] RETR file-pack.r20
[13:27:13] [R] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for file-pack.r20 (50000000 Bytes).
[13:27:34] [R] 425 Cannot open data connection.---------------------------------------------------->At this point it coudln't open Data Connection!
[13:27:34] [R] Transfer Failed!
[13:27:34] [R] PORT MYIPWASHERE,195,95
[13:27:34] [R] 200 PORT Command successful.
[13:27:34] [R] RETR file-pack.r20
[13:27:34] [R] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for file-pack.r20 (50000000 Bytes)._______> At this point it coudln't open Data Connection!
[13:27:48] [R] QUIT
[13:27:48] [R] 221-Session Upload: 0 Bytes at 0 KB/s (Total: 5.19 GB)
[13:27:48] [R] 221-Session Download: 37.62 MB at 97 KB/s (Total: 13.15 GB)
[13:27:48] [R] 221 Goodbye!
[13:27:48] [R] Logged off: !Server-myserversIpwashere
[13:27:48] [R] Transfer Failed!___________________________________________ ____________________> Thats the point i manualy disconnected!
[13:27:48] Transferred 1 file totaling 37,62 MB in 7 minutes 35 seconds (97,1 KB/s)
[13:27:48] User Aborted

[13:27:50] [R] Connecting to !Server-myserversIpwashere -> IP=myserversIpwashere PORT=22
[13:27:50] [R] Connected to !Server-myserversIpwashere
[13:27:50] [R] 220 Serv-U FTP Server v6.0 for WinSock ready...
[13:27:50] [R] USER admin
[13:27:50] [R] 331 User name okay, need password.
[13:27:50] [R] PASS (hidden)

After that the transfer for the next file starts again. And the error occurs again once this file is finished and i have to disconnect and start again for the transfer to work for the third file. and again and again.

What can i do to avoid this error or make FlashFXP automatically disconecct and reconnect after every file in the que.
Elv1s is offline