Originally Posted by neoxed
What post and pre scripts do you have? More importantly, anything on pre-LIST?
If you could paste everything under [Events], [FTP_Pre-Command_Events], and [FTP_Post-Command_Events] it might help us.
Did reverting back to 5.8.5r help at all?
Reverting back to 5.8.5.r didn't work at all but i think i have found the problem.
As soon your downloading a folder with wierd characters in it io hangs and there is nothing in errorlog or other logs!
;OnUploadError =
;OnUploadComplete = EXEC d:\test.bat
;OnUploadComplete = TCL ..\scripts\test2.itcl
;OnDownloadError =
;OnDownloadComplete =
;OnResume =
;OnUpload =
;OnNewDir =
;OnDelDir =
;OnLogIn =
;OnServerStart =
;OnServerStop =
;OnServiceStart =
;OnServiceStop =
OnUploadComplete = TCL c:\ioFTPD\scripts\ioSFV\ioSFV.itcl
OnUploadError = TCL c:\ioFTPD\scripts\ioSFV\ioSFV.itcl
OnNewDir = TCL c:\ioFTPD\scripts\ioLATESTDIR\ioLATESTDIR.itcl
;list =
;stor =
;mkd =
stor = TCL c:\ioFTPD\scripts\ioSFV\ioSFV.itcl
;mkd =
;rmd =
;stor =
;dele =
dele = TCL c:\ioFTPD\scripts\ioSFV\ioSFV.itcl
cwd = TCL c:\ioFTPD\scripts\ioSFV\ioSFV.itcl