ioNODUALUP... download dual me.
hi.nice meet you.
hey bro... i want ioNODNALUP
download dual me.
editing... help me.
###; ioTOOLS.ioNODUALUP.itcl v0.3 by _tUFF (20/05/2004) ioFTPD 5.8.5r+
###; changelog...
###; 0.1 - bored, noticed a request for a script to stop dual uploading on the same sfv
###; 0.2 - ignore certain directories, dZSbot friendly feature requests added
###; 0.3 - fixed the directory ignore
###; install...
###; add the follow line under [FTP_Pre-Command_Events] in your ioftpd.ini and remember to site config rehash
###; stor = TCL c:\ioFTPD\ioSFV\ioNODUAL.itcl
###; dont modify these!
set user [resolve uid $uid]
set grp [resolve gid $gid]
set release [string range [string range $pwd 1 end-1] [expr [string first "/" [string range $pwd 1 end-1]] +1 ] end]
###; settings...
###; nderror - the error message you want the user to see when he attempts to upload more than once in the same directory
###; ndkick - kick the user from the ftpd
###; ndannouce - text to announce to the channel
###; ndkicked - added to ndannouce if ndkick is set
###; ndignore - VFS directoried to ignore for dual up
set nderror "dont dual upload in the same directory muppet!"
set ndannounce "\[.:\002DUAL UPLOAD\002:.\] $user/$grp is \00303dual\003 uploading in $release."
set ndkicked "and was kicked!"
set ndkick 0
set ndignore {
global args uid gid cid ioerror pwd
set who ""
set ignore 0
if {[client who init "UID" "VIRTUALPATH" "ACTION"] == 0} {
while { 1 } {
set data [client WHO FETCH]
if {$data == ""} {break}
lappend who $data
foreach entry $who {
if {[string match "$uid" [lindex $entry 0]]} {
set nduid [lindex $entry 0]
set ndvfs [lindex $entry 1]
set ndact [lindex $entry 2]
foreach ignored $ndignore {
if {[string match -nocase "*$ignored*" $ndvfs]} {set ignore 1}
if {$ignore != 1} {
if {[string match -nocase "stor" [lindex $ndact 0]] || [string match -nocase "appe" [lindex $ndact 0]]} {
if {[string match -nocase "$pwd" $ndvfs]} {
iputs -nobuffer "226 $nderror"
iputs -nobuffer "550 Command failed."
set ioerror 1
if {$ndkick} {append ndannounce $ndkicked; client kill clientid $cid}
putlog "UPDATE: \"$pwd\" \"$ndannounce\""
return 0
set ioerror 0