quite nice..
got it all working last night..
great with the updates.
Only 1 thing missing..
!ftp site cmd..
got some suggestions..
The possibility to do mnup or dn, instead of mn, so there could be added rank, files and speed on !u/gstats...
And files + speed on the daystats announce..
That would be awsome.. :>
only thing i'm having trouble with is !daystats
its just empty..
and !mnup etc. too
### STATS -#
set jScripts(stats,sections) "MNUP:0"
set jScripts(stats,default,type) "MNUP"
set jScripts(stats,default,name) "MNUP"
set jScripts(stats,default,number) 3
set jScripts(stats,default,section) 0
Any ideas ?