Thread: iOB issues
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Old 02-03-2006, 05:32 PM  
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 68
Question iOB issues

I installed the new version and have some issues. I seem not to be able to make any directories.
When I am connected to the site (via FTP) and do site version or any other site command it doesn't show anything and says command successful.
I read and added the lines in the ioFTpd.ini file and did the iOA part as well.
Also when I can make a dir (not trying to FXP or upload) and try to send a SFV file it says it sends but never shows in the dir. I have to do it like 2 or 3 times and sometimes it shows. But it isnt reading the file even when its there because it doesn't generate the .MISSING files
The bot will announce the creation of a Dir (when I can create one) but doesnt annouce the .SFV and I have it enabled in the ioBanana.tcl file.
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