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Old 12-20-2005, 07:54 PM  
Junior Member
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 5
Default PRET doesnt work

I already looked at the other PRET-Threads but did not find anything which did work.

Following message comes when i try to flash with Auth TLS:

[R] MKD /test
[R] 257 "/test" created.
[R] CWD /test
[R] 250 CWD command successful.
[R] 257 "/test" is current directory.
[R] STAT -la
[R] List Complete: 121 bytes in 0,43 seconds (0,3 KB/s)
[R] 200 Protection set to Private
[L] 200 Command okay
[L] 500 You need to use a client supporting PRET (PRE Transfer) to use PASV
Secure site to site transfers not supported by this ftp server
[R] Transfer Failed!
1 File failed to transfer
Server Error, Aborted

The joke is: Other people can do this..i am the only one where it doesnt work! I had problems with this *$§§%&* PRET since the first time i saw it.
Why isnt there just a little trigger where you can say "Enable PRET" and that it is?

The thing with "This site does not support FEAT command" is known to me...

And, yes, the other people do flash with auth tls too...

When i try to flash WITHOUT AUTH TLS, then this appears:

[L] 500 You need to use a client supporting PRET (PRE Transfer) to use PASV
[R] Transfer Failed!
[L] 500 You need to use a client supporting PRET (PRE Transfer) to use PASV
[R] Transfer Failed!
[L] 500 You need to use a client supporting PRET (PRE Transfer) to use PASV
[R] Transfer Failed!

So pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease, can anyone tell me, why this doesnt work?

I am really disappointed...flashfxp was so good to me all over the years
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