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Old 12-18-2005, 02:31 PM  
Too much time...
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 1,326

Read the configuration file.

#### Sections
# Formats:
# <channel section> = <channels> <flags>
# <path section> = <path> <channels> <flags>
# Examples:
# STAFF = "#Staff #Ops" "+error +sysop"
# DVDR = "/site/DVDR/" "#ChannelOne #ChannelTwo" "+all"
# Flags:
# all - Every flag.
# approve - Approved releases.
# autonuke - Auto-nuker announces.
# close - Open and close announces.
# credits - Credits given and taken from users.
# dir - New and deleted directories.
# error - Error.log entries.
# login - Login events.
# newdate - New date directories.
# nuke - Nuke and unnuke announces.
# pre - Pre'd releases.
# pretime - Pre time module and sets per-section time limit, in minutes.
# request - Added, deleted, and filled requests.
# sysop - SysOp.log events.
# wipe - Wiped directory and file announces.
# zipscript - Zipscript announcements.
# - There must be a 'DEFAULT' channel section defined, which is used for
# non-path announces (e.g. requests).
# - Both flags and events can be added or removed by using the + or -
# characters, respectively.
# - The first match wins, so order your flags accordingly.
# Channel sections.
DEFAULT = "#Alc" "+approve +close +credits +request +DAYSTAT"
STAFF = "#AlcStaff" "+error +login +sysop +wipe"

# Path sections.
0DAY = "/0DAY/" "#AlcSpam" "+COMPLETE -wipe -zipscript +pretime=60 +all"
APPS = "/APPS/" "#Alc" "-wipe +all"
DVDR = "/DVDR/" "#Alc" "-wipe +all"
GAMES = "/GAMES/" "#Alc" "-wipe +all"
MP3 = "/MP3/" "#AlcSpam" "-wipe +pretime=60 +all"
REQS = "/REQS/" "#Alc" "-wipe -pretime +all"
SVCD = "/SVCD/" "#Alc" "-wipe +all"
TV = "/TV/" "#Alc" "-wipe +all"
VCD = "/VCD/" "#Alc" "-wipe +all"
XVID = "/XVID/" "#Alc" "-wipe +all"
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