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Old 12-10-2005, 06:30 PM  
Junior Member
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 13
Default It only took 13 months to happen....

The scripters have finally been paid their pieces of the pie from the Foundation License fees, and I must say IniCom should be disgusted in themselves.

Scripters like Neo and Harm basically had to beg for the money that was collected from _customers_ specifically for _them_. These people worked hard, maintained support for their scripts, continued to support ioFTPd _and_ Inicom during the "transition" period, and got kicked in the face for it.

I paid money into that pool because I felt the people who make io what it is deserved some financial support and my respect. (trust me, the scripters and the support people MAKE io what it is) Then I see the parent company do what they did.

Linkster stated that "they dropped the ball" when really they dropped it and lost the damn thing for a year and made every excuse in the book to delay that money going to the rightful owners. Inicom lost more than me as a customer, they lost my respect.

Put up all the excuses you want about d1 leaving and how grateful everyone should be that Inicom ponied up the money. The fact is, they botched it.

Once my license expires (whenever that is) Inicom will not get a renewal from me. I have even delayed purchasing FlashFXP due to their handling of the situation, and since I can see how they treat their supporters, I would hate to see how they would treat me as a customer.

The scripters here are amazing people. Through it all, you have to know they are hard at work making everything right for 5.8.5r's release. (Or whatever the build number will be)

Kudos gentlemen.
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