7. I Edit the configuration of the zipscript and the associated scripts (ioCONFIG.itcl).
###; ioBanana2 by Harm
###; Greets: _tUFF
###; Short site name
set ioB(ssn) "tDQ"
###; Subdirs (do not edit unless you know what you're doing)
set zs(subdirs) "cd1 cd2 cd3 cd4 cd5 cd6 cd7 cd8 cd9 disc1 disc2 disc3 disc4 disc5 dvd1 dvd2 dvd3 dvd4 dvd5 vobsub vobsubs subtitle subtitles subs subpack codec sample samples cover covers"
###; Those files aren't checked (do not edit unless you know what you're doing)
set zs(excluded,exts) ".jpg .jpeg .gif .bmp .tiff .m3u .diz"
###; No crc / zip checking in these dirs
set zs(excluded,dirs) "/PRIVATE*"
###; No dupechecking in these dirs
set zs(excluded,dupe) "/PRE*"
###; No sorting in these dirs
set zs(excluded,sort) "/PRE*"
# Set the maximum number of racers and groups logged for announces
set zs(maxRacers) 5
set zs(maxGroups) 3
###; Minimum number of files to announce halfway
set zs(minhalfway) 5
###; Speedtests dir
set zs(autodelete) "/REQUESTS/_SPEEDTESTS*"
###; Movies by genre, year, rating ... and section
set sort(movies,genre,SVCD) "C:/DATA/SVCD/_SORTED/GENRE"
set sort(movies,year,SVCD) "C:/DATA/SVCD/_SORTED/YEAR"
set sort(movies,rating,SVCD) "C:/DATA/SVCD/_SORTED/RATING"
###; Default section (do not remove)
set sort(movies,genre,DEFAULT) "C:/DATA/DVDR/_SORTED/GENRE"
set sort(movies,year,DEFAULT) "C:/DATA/DVDR/_SORTED/YEAR"
set sort(movies,rating,DEFAULT) "C:/DATA/DVDR/_SORTED/RATING"
###; Mp3 by artist, year and genre
set sort(mp3,artist) "C:/DATA/MP3/_SORTED/ARTIST"
set sort(mp3,year) "C:/DATA/MP3/_SORTED/YEAR"
set sort(mp3,genre) "C:/DATA/MP3/_SORTED/GENRE"
###; 0day by group, company and type
set sort(0days,group) "C:/DATA/0DAYS/_SORTED/GROUP"
set sort(0days,companies) "C:/DATA/0DAYS/_SORTED/COMPANY"
set sort(0days,types) "C:/DATA/0DAYS/_SORTED/TYPE"
set sort(0days,dirs) "/0DAYS*"
###; Lists (do not edit unless you know what you're doing)
set sort(list,companies) "3dSMAX 66 Abaqus Acd Act3D Actuate Adina Adobe Adorage Ahead Aldec Alias.Wavefront Alibre Alldata Altair Altera altium Alturion Amiable Animo Ansoft Ansys Arcana Artbeats Arturia Artville Ascential Asymetrix Att Autodata Autodesk Automotive.computer.solutions Avid Avl Axion Baan Bea.systems Bentley Best.Service Bestcolor Blue.ridge.numerics BMC BMW Boris Borland Britannica Broderbund Bussines.Objects Cabinet.Vision Cadence Cadlink Cadsoft Cakewalk Cambridgesoft Canopus Century.software Cenzic Cfdrc Cgtech Cham Checkpoint Chief.Architecture CIM Cimatron Cisco Citrix Cnc Compaq Compusoft Computer.Associates Compuware Comsol Corbis Corel Cosmi Cosmos Crystal.Decisions Csc CST Curious Cyberlink Dassault.systemes Data.Becker Datacraft Dazzle Delcam Delorme Deluo Dentrix Desktopimages Digital.vision Digitaljuice Discovery.firm Discreet Dosch Earth.Resource.Mapping EDS Eingana Ejay Ekser E-Lab Elaborate.bytes Electronic.data.systems Electronisounds Elibrium Emagic Empire.Interactive Encore.software Engravelab Eniro Ensoniq Eon Eovia Equisys esi.group Esker Esri Etos Eyematic Fe.Design Filemaker Finjan Fluent Focusmm Fonix Formsys Fujitsu G7.productivity Gamma Garmin Geosystem Gerber Gibbs Goodshoot Graitec Graphisoft Hakata.Good Hampson.russel Hash HM.Software HP Hulk Hyprotech I.Logix IBM Icem IEZ Ilight Ilog ImageDJ Immunix Imsi IMST Individual.Software Information.Builders Informix Inis Inksaver Innovmetric InstallShield Intec Intel Intelligent.light Interest InterVideo.Digital.Tech.Corp Intuit Inuit Inus Invomax IPL Iris Issendis Itedo Iway Jardin Jasc Jeppesen Kaplan Kaspersky Kaydara Kpt Landesk LapLink Laughingbird.productions Leadtools Legato Licom.Systems Light.Speed.Systems Lighting.Technologies Linplug Lms Loopkit Lusas M2k Macromedia Magix Makemusic Mamut Mapinfo Maplesoft Masterbits Mathsoft Mathworks Matrix.One Matrix42 Maven3d Maxon McAfee Mechsoft Mentor Mercury.Interactive messiah Micro.research Microsoft Mimaki Mindscape Mitchell Mixa Mric Msc.software Multigen Myob National.Instruments Native.Instruments Navisworks nc.graphics Ne.nastran Neato Nemetschek Netiq Netmanage Netobjects Netop Newtek Nobeltec Nova Novell Nti Oag Okino Omt Openmind Optiwave Orlogix Palo.Alto Panda Pathrace Peachtree Pearson Pg.Music Photoalto Pinnacle.Systems Postaudiomedia PowerQuest Prentice.Hall Presto Pro.rec Propellerheads PTC Quark Quickbooks Raindrop Randmcnally Realviz remedy Robert.Mcneel Robobat Rogue.Wave Roxar Roxio Rsi Sas Scansoft Scanvec.amiable Schlumberger Schmid.Partner scia Serif Sibelius Sidefx Siemens Sierra Simplyaccounting Smartsound Softissimo Software.ag Solid.edge Solidworks Sonic Sony Sophos Soundsonline Space.Holdings Spss Srac Steinberg Steinbichler Summitsoft Sun Superwindows Sure.Thing Surfware Sweetwater Sybase Sybex Symantec Tallysystems Tamino Tapeware Taylor Tecnomatix Tekla Teksoft Testout Think3 Tobit Tonystone Toolbook Torchmate Trace.Parts Transcendata Transmagic Trend Trillium Trimble Tsystems Type3 Ulead Ultimate.Recovery Unigraphics Uppercase Usbsounds Valor Valusoft Wasatch Vcom Vdo Weber Wenninger Veritas Vero Vicon Windowlink Winternals virtools Wise Vision.Numeric Wolfram Voyetra Vsl VX.Corporation Xandros Xara Xoom Yamaha Yellowtab Artech Bhacorp Bjorn.Lunden.Information.AB Boma Bonniers Byggnet Compusoft Copax Datavara Dbsverige Dun.Bradstreet Edmark Ejay Eniro Fass Finaldata Foretagsfakta Frolunda.data Gleerups Hogia IBM Infosoc Kontek Lantmateriet Laxhjalpen Lekskolan Levande.Bocker Lotus M2s Macromedia Mamut McAfee Microsoft mm.partner Norstedts Panda Programbyran Route.66 Samlogic Scansoft Skolkatalogen Solidmakarna SPCS Specialfalgar Str Superoffice Symantec Teoriprogrammet Tolerance.data Traffic3d Uc Voxit Xor"
set sort(list,types) ".mac .photo addon antivirus audio avi backup banner boost boot burn cad cam cd cheats cisco clean converter copier database disk dvd dx ebook editor effect exam excel. file firewall flash font ftp game german hack html image linux mail manager meter mp3 mpeg office oracle pad paint palmos password pdf Photoshop php plugin poser .ppc. PPC2002 PocketPC print pro protection publisher recover regged ripper screensaver search secure site solaris sound spam speed sql swedish SymbianOS test tests text trainer tv unix update utilit wav vcd web vector video virus visual vst"
###; Paths to clean
set sort(paths) "/0DAYS/_SORTED /DVDR/_SORTED /MP3/_SORTED"
###; Paths to update mp3 and movie symlinks
set sort(update,general) "/REQUESTS"
###; Paths to update 0day symlinks
set sort(update,0day) "/0DAYS"
###; Force sample first in these dirs
set dupe(forcesample) "/DVDR* /SVCD*"
###; The [Latest] symlink will be created there
set dupe(latest) "C:/ioFTPD/site"
###; The [LatestPre] symlink will be created there
set dupe(latestpre) "C:/ioFTPD/site"
set dupe(preuser) "PRE"
###; Configuration and information files paths
set dupe(approved) "C:/ioFTPD/scripts/approved.dat"
set dupe(dupelogs) "C:/ioFTPD/logs/dupe"
set dupe(iolog) "C:/ioFTPD/logs/ioFTPD.log"
set dupe(ioacfg) "C:/ioFTPD/scripts/ioA/ioA.cfg"
set swho(hidden,paths) "/PRE"
set swho(hidden,users) "Mouton Harm"
set swho(hidden,groups) "ViP"
set rules(sections) "0DAYS APPS DVDR MP3 SVCD TV"
set rules(path) "C:/io/ioFTPD/scripts/rules.cfg"
set rules(msg) "C:/io/ioFTPD/scripts/rules.msg"