I also just came accross this error. It seems to kill the sitebot and have to rehash to get it to work again. Here is what I found that killed it. Seems to be a problematic mp3 or the mp3info.exe not doing something correctly. See this log (unimportant names stripped):
12-03-2005 12:23:20 NEWDIR: "uploaduser" "usersgroup" "/MP3/1203/The_Mp3_Folder_Name" "d:\FTP\MP3\1203\The_Mp3_Folder_Name"
12-03-2005 12:23:22 SFV: "/MP3/1203" "The_Mp3_Folder_Name" "uploaduser" "usersgroup" "0" "10"
12-03-2005 12:23:23 NFO: "/MP3/1203" "The_Mp3_Folder_Name" "00-The_Mp3_Folder_Name.nfo" "uploaduser" "usersgroup"
12-03-2005 12:23:41 1STFILE: "/MP3/1203" "The_Mp3_Folder_Name" "uploaduser" "usersgroup" "296.8" "42"
12-03-2005 12:23:41 MP3: "/MP3/1203" "The_Mp3_Folder_Name" "MPEG Layer " "" " Hz" "d:/FTP/MP3/1203/The_Mp3_Folder_Name/01-The_Mp3_Folder_Name.mp3 is corrupt or is not a standard MP3 file." "Indie" "The Artist" ""The Album Name"" "2005"
12-03-2005 12:23:41 MP3CHK: "/MP3/1203" "The_Mp3_Folder_Name" "2005" ""
Not sure where mp3info.exe comes from. Maybe there is a newer or updated version to support different mp3 encodings?