Hmm... maybe i'm on the right track.
I was editing some of the code in ioBanana.tcl to get colors per section and did this:
set output [ioB:replacevar $output "%scolour" $colour($section)]
Inside proc ioB:basicreplace and added colour as a global. Then in the announce section I added:
set colour(APPS) 8
Then in my skin made [c]%scolour %section[c]
It looks liek it's working. But I am too tired to continue testing... Though it didn't work for a section that started with a number (like 0DAY) so I had to add the space. Is there a way to escape it or put 2 variables next to eachother and not conflict?
Maybe someone can help me out there =)
EDIT: Guess this wasn't that easy... everything breaks except sections that have colors set. Still trying to find out why.