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Old 11-10-2005, 02:42 PM  
Junior Member
Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 9

I hope that I read manual very carefully. But I have any ide how to make it works

So I ask my question second way>

Is it possible to integrate site command to Welcome message to show me results?

how to make a execute script that will run "site alldn" during Logging user. Or call this command directly from Welcome message (I do not know it is good to use %[execute]|?

Thank you for normal answer with normal help

PS: I apologize for my previous reaction, I am sorry. I think that the manual is written how to run server only but there is a few information about how to modify it. Some better samples needed.

I will be pleasured if somebody can me write some example here to resolve my absurd problem...once more thanks
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