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Old 10-06-2005, 02:10 PM  
Too much time...
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 1,430

First of all, I made a mistake in my first reply. The whole paragraph 7 was also related to the !wkup, !wkdn, !whateverstat problem... and this made me skip the SITE RESCAN thing.
For SITE RESCAN, it's not unduping the .missing files because there's no need for it. ioB2 release 1 doesn't do file dupechecking.
Case 7 closed.

1) Let's have a look to the sample configuration file.
###; Paths to update mp3 and movie symlinks
set sort(update,general) "/REQUESTS"
This variable is a list of virtual paths to check.
Case 1 closed.

2) The old dupe.log is supposed to be your former ioBanana dupelog, not ioA's searchlog. It deletes the file because the old dupelog shouldn't stay (it'll no longer be used).
Case 2 closed.

3) It's your handle, but does the bot know that you (on irc) and this handle are the same person. If you're using telnet to chat the bot (which is highly insecure), it's probably not. Add your irchost to your account on the bot using the .+host MidasKing MidasKing! command.

ioBanana expects the format of the requestfile to be as follow:
Request_Line = " [%##] [%-10user] -> %request"
4) Please tell me as soon as you have the results of these new tests.

5) Case 5 closed.

6) As I've written, it has always been like this before. And (as I've written again), it'll make it to the next release if it's not integrated into ioFTPD itself.
Case 6 closed.
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