Thanks, Harm, by the fast answer, but...
Originally Posted by Harm
1) SITE UPDATE only checks the directories mentionned in $sort(update,general). Also I see that you don't run ioAUTONUKE... a few of its settings are used for the symlinks updater though: $anuke(user) and $anuke(mtab). They should point to a real user and a real vfs file.
I placed the variable user, group and mtab and, then, as reply to command SITE UPDATE the system started to only verify Drive C: e did not make update none.
My settings are:
]###; Default section (do not remove)
set sort(movies,genre,DEFAULT) "D:/FTP/DiVX-1/_Sorted/Genre"
set sort(movies,year,DEFAULT) "D:/FTP/DiVX-1/_Sorted]/Year"
set sort(movies,rating,DEFAULT) "D:/FTP/DiVX-1/_Sorted/Rating"
###; Mp3 by artist, year and genre
set sort(mp3,artist) "H:/FTP/Mp3z/_Sorted/Artist"
set sort(mp3,year) "H:/FTP/Mp3z/_Sorted/Year"
set sort(mp3,genre) "H:/FTP/Mp3z/_Sorted/Genre"
###; Paths to clean
set sort(paths) "D:/FTP/DiVX-1/_Sorted H:/FTP/Mp3z/_Sorted"
###; Paths to update mp3 and movie symlinks
set sort(update,general) "D:/Ftp/DiVX-1 F:/Ftp/DiVX-2 K:/Ftp/DiVX-3 I:/Ftp/DiVX-4/Moviez_BR I:/Ftp/DiVX-4/Moviez_Infantis I:/Ftp/DiVX-4/Moviez_Shows H:/Ftp/Mp3z"
It NOT checked Drives D:, F:,H:, I: and K:, then, he not find nothing to update.
OBS.: When upload a new release, the system creates symlinks correcly.
Originally Posted by Harm
2) SITE UPDATELOG won't work if the directory specified for $dupe(dupelogs) doesn't exist. The dupe engine won't either in such case.
Another thing.. the parameter of this command is the path to the old dupe.log file (not the new directory).
The directory specified for $dupe exist and I corrected the command pointing to the old dupelog (seach.log).
But, the format of the search.log (created by ioA) is
Then, he created ALL symlinks in a same local, called "1" and he deleted the old search.log (this not cause problemas for the SITE SEARCH *string*???)
OBS.: When upload a new release, the system creates the new log correcly.
Originally Posted by Harm
3) !request whatever needs to know your uid and gid. This is done using the $ioBinfo(ids,handle). For example, set ioBinfo(ids,Harm) "0 0" tells the bot that the user with the handle Harm has the uid 0 and gid 0 on the server.
The handle is the name the bot uses internally to designate you. The bot has to know who you are (a handle corresponds to one or more irc hostmasks) and you also have to be a trusted user.
I think this settings are correct: I use my handle (MidasKing), same in admins, my UID and GID. The problem is the reply of bot :
|XL|> Current requests:
|XL|> There's no request at the moment
and exists requests hanging (The command SITE REQUESTS show it)
Originally Posted by Harm
4) That's interesting. How long ago was the directory created ? SITE APPROVE uses ioFTPD.log to find the real path of the directory.
I go to make more tests...
Originally Posted by Harm
5) That's indeed a mistake in the help message of the bot. !latests doesn't take any parameter atm.
Sorry.... My mistake...
Originally Posted by Harm
6) SITE STATS is an internal ioFTPD command. It has never been able to display the stats for several sections at a time.
SITE BSTATS but its output isn't user-friendly. It's not very hard to change that so if it's not going to be changed in ioFTPD 1.0, it'll be in the next release of ioBanana (waiting for confirmation from the devs though).
Then, it is possible that in a next version this is contemplated? That is very important for me (for others also, of course!!!).
Originally Posted by Harm
7) It might be the same problem as with !requests.. The bot needs the flag 1 to be able to do its job correctly.
Hummm... I think that not. My bot have flag=1M and the command SITE RESCAN is not a bot command, right???
Thanks again, a gread hug and congratulations for the new work...