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Old 02-21-2006, 07:25 PM  
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Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 153

Originally Posted by Harm
You said you've just configured revision control systems and wikis. I wonder what RCS you have finally chosen. You mentionned darcs a while ago but I don't think it fits corporate use.
Also, will these be completely internal systems or may we expect to see parts of them (and maybe contribute to them) in the future? For example, you could use the versionning system to make code samples available (like modules). Having a public and official wiki could also improve the quantity and the quality of the documentation faster. It would probably have to be moderated though.
i'm a huge believer in architecture s of participation. i'm trying to get my partner's in crime (one of the code words i use to describe the management team here, myself included) to open up ports on our firewall, but i think i'd do better with just a whole machine connected to the interweb.

at any rate, i love the forums, but we need to deploy tools beyond the forums for certain of our problems, particularly the ones you mention.

as far as revision control, darcs still provides a great deal of utility for us, as i'm the sole dev here in the office. everyone else is remote. what has changed is that i have a central location available to push and pull from. this might change the system we are using, but i never choose anything on the basis of whether it is corporate or not.

Originally Posted by Harm
Talking about blogs, I guess these will be public. It might be easier to publish development status and new ideas than using the forums.
the forums aren't going anywhere, certainly. i'm not sure what the best mechanism going forward will be to publish status updates. whichever one winds up working will be the one we use.

right now, all of what i'm doing is internal systems stuff. some things just have to stay internal, and i don't have to focus as much on security and authentication with our internal systems. these systems will migrate out and have public components, for reasons i mention above. honestly, i'd like as much to be public and open as we can possibly get. i'm not sure where this balance is yet, but i'm going to err on the side of openness.

Originally Posted by Harm
We finally have a full time developer working on ioFTPD again. Now please let us now what we can expect from all these new tools.

Looking forward to seeing you soon in #ioftpd.
you can expect me to be more productive, for the short term loss of needing time to tweak these things and get them working. when i find i need a tool, i've been going off and getting it set up. sometimes this takes all of a day or more, but then i start using it and feel much better and more productive.

so for the short term expect something that looks a lot like nothing. :/
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