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Old 12-20-2005, 09:57 PM  
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Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 153

Originally Posted by ACiD
ok you made me look retarded. :P

sorry for not clarifying what i was talking about, i am speaking in regards to the fix to the login error messages saying different things depending on if its a wrong username or password the client supplies.
ah, you know. i've fixed that in my version of the code, but haven't made a new release yet. i wanted to fix the /site command bug, since 5.8.6 is kinda useless for most people without being able to run those commands. and to do *that* i wanted to add a regression test framework.

so in essense, the whole thing is waiting on me fixing some issues with my new regression test framework. i'm happy to compile up what i've got and provide it as-is, if you'd like to try it. i'm still quite new at making releases. the last one we uncovered some bugs with our release process and it took me awhile; but i need to get faster at it one way or another. so why not another release!

Originally Posted by ACiD
and as far as the "threat" comment goes, it's not a threat so much as it's feedback because ultimately i would like to see this project succeed and become the best FTP Server on ANY platform. But, I am just voicing my opinion because i know the important ppl are around here somewhere (Linkster, and whoever else) and they will hopefully see this. They can try and predict what their customers are thinking all day long but if enough ppl share their opinion on the current status of this project and the Rumor that is going around about the subscription service, then inicom will know what their customers think of the situation.

However this is the wrong place for this discussion and i realize that so....

My question is "Can we have a new version with the login error message vulnerability fixed now?"
i've not heard the rumor about subscription-based service. and actually, pricing is one of those things that is up to me to decide. so if i'm not in the loop, it is a total rumor. i've several ideas about pricing, but nothing is going to change in the next couple months. but realize that if we're talking about changing the pricing model is it *because* the current pricing model is a factor in the attention we're able to give ioFTPD. i'm aware that we're not meeting expectations, so making changes of that sort would be so that we *could* meet expectations. *not* so we could wring more money out of you and walk away. :/

and to answer your questions, yes you can have a new release; if you allow me to work around other obligations in my schedule (tis the season...). late this week would be the earliest i can provide it. christmas day at the outside. this works?
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