Originally Posted by ACiD
I'm not trying to be pushy but do you think that we could get a new version with that fixed in it now. Seeing as that is not just a bug fix or feature request but a fix to a Security Vulnerabilty. Which i feel makes it alot more important.
Personally i feel that this should have been patched as soon as it was discovered which obviously didn't happen. <-- understatement
i'm sorry, what is "that fixed" referring to in this sentence? are you talking about site to site ssl or something else?
Originally Posted by ACiD
anyways Panic i know its not your fualt so i don't blame you but your the only person that has access to the source and is actively coding so you are all we got right now.
I thought my 30 bux would buy me more than just volunteers, but i guess i was wrong.
Oh and if "IniCom" switches to a subscription based business model for io they better do alot more ALOT more than they are doing now for the future of this program or else you will see that little title(ioFTPD Pro Foundation User) under my Nick disapear
that's all right, i didn't think i'd have to deal with whiney users who thought making threats was a good way to get what they wanted. since neither of us is getting what we expected, why don't we start with a clean slate and move forward with what we've got? please try making your request again in a way where i'll be able to spend more time coding and less time dealing with these kinds of remarks.