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Old 09-28-2005, 03:23 PM  
Too much time...
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 1,430

It looks like either mp3info.exe can't get the info from the file or ioBanana can't parse it correctly. Could you run mp3info.exe -x <filename> and show me the output ? It would also be interesting to see the output of mp3info.exe -x -r m -p "%a|%g|%l|%y|MPEG %.0v Layer %L|%r|%Q Hz|%o" <filename>.

As I said, the warning that comes right after the mp3 info isn't linked in any way to the autonuker. If you have defined different rules for both, you can have a nuke without a warning or a warning and no nuke.
The autonuker is also more fault tolerant than the bot. It explains why (if you have defined the same rules for both) you get the warning but not the nuke.
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