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Old 09-27-2005, 11:12 AM  
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 82

Friedbert: Good to see you back. I thought long about "Site" or "Server". I came to the conclusion that using "site" is the better idea. First, because every german knows what "site" means these days (since invention of websites), second because that would then be transparent to the english version, making future support a bit easier for Inicom folks, third because a "server" can host multiple "sites". Forth, even german wikipedia hosts the term "site" at - and fifth, I have seen other german programs also using the term "site". Like I said, I thought long about it, so it was no easy task but I thought it's the better idea. What do you think, what do the others think? No problem to change it.. germans speak out!

I am looking forward to your other reports, Friedbert. I hardly find any more bugs in my translation but this is probably because I know all the FlashFXP shortcuts and locations of options without opening my eyes. ;( Before the final, I will walk through everything again and I'm sure, I'll find atleast 10 occasions where there could be a better translation but right now, when beta-testing it actively, I can't see anything.

See you.

PS: German Translation Beta 1.4 has been downloaded 334 times up to this date.
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