Just few days ago, I was able to setup first virtual dummy service and connect to it.
Now I'm working on http service - once completed alpha version will emerge. Alpha version will be httpd only because of following factors:
- Alpha version is the first version ever released to public. While it does not have FTP daemon included, it does help me to debug all important core functions.
- Issuing possible 64bit compatability problems is easier, when codebase is smaller.
- GUI is based on httpd. Having httpd functioning 'early', makes it possible for our developers to begin work on it. (that means I need to write some documentations for them.. duh

- Httpd is easy and fast to write; protocol is completely synchronous and has only few commands.
After alpha version has been throughly debugged, I will post list of remaining tasks until beta 1.0. (which will include ftpd)