[my views on iO]
Hi everyone. d1 is taking his product to the whole market. The way I see it, iO (d1) is just trying to move away from the scene rules and make a product that is more of a versatile-industry related type of app (webhosting companies, etc). Adding more things that are relevant to the larger IT user base -- intensive security. His product needs to stand out in the crowd. And if this is the case, which it is obviously true [i hope....], then I am very happy with the changes that d1 is making. Instead of making zipscripts, communist-banana
, etc.. there will also be a need for scripters to create extensive plugins that show bandwidth usage per user hourly/min/sec, calculated statistics, http frontend, and "who's uploading crap to my server" and all that other junk businesses are interested in. Which will increase the userbase and an influx of scripters. I can't wait for 1.0
[/my views on iO]
[back on topic]
The whole cert thing is a great idea. As for the old method, an ITCL script could mostlikely take care of everything. and if changes happend in future releases of io, any scripter can edit the TCL script to work with the current release. d1 can make the TCL script himself too and keep it up to date if he wants, it would be convinient for those users who rely on the ip@ident method.
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