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Old 07-20-2005, 07:21 AM  
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 462

The main problem with a plugin / script is it could be back to the old situation where some of the times that io gets updated it kills the script. And the script creator is away so it doesn't get updated. Someone else makes one. You end up with 8 or 9 versions not knowing which to use. You get used to one you find and like and the scriptor stops supporting it cos he runs out of steam. Etc etc.
And anyways, a function like that which is at the very core of modern FTP servers (try a poll, see how many consider essential) should be made a part of the core program by the developer, not added in by an unpaid scriptor. Don't get me wrong, I love what you scriptors do, I wish to hell I had a fraction of the skill, you're an absolutely amazing bunch, but its just not your responsibility and something so essential to the overall functionality should be fully supported and a responsibility, not a hobby.
Thats my opinion anyhows.
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