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Old 06-05-2005, 09:10 AM  
Too much time...
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 1,430

You could also work with subdirs like /_rated/_section/score/releasename where score could be higher (9-10), high (7-8), medium (5-6), low (3-4) or lower (0-2). Then the symlink wouldn't change its location that often.

You could also use the .ioFTPD.message files to display the scores on CWD instead or using the symlink itself. For example, when you would "CWD /_rated/_section/high/somexeample" you would see :

[racestats if relevant]

user1 gave a 8 / 10 (reason)
user2 gave a 6 / 10 (reason)
user3 gave a 7 / 10 (reason)

Average: 7 / 10 (high)

With a better formatting of course but the idea is there.
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