Not really

I already read this post before i post my question here.
Originally posted by Harm
You could also edit the readlog proc (I think that's how it's called in dZSbot) to call your script when [string equal "NEWDIR" $msgtype] or when [string equal "SFV" $msgtype] (if you want it on sfv upload).
Yeah, this seems to be what im looking for.
Here is what i have now in dZSbot.tcl
proc readlog {} {
seek $of $lastoct
while {![eof $of]} {
// [...]
if { $msgtype == "NEWDIR" } {
set path [lindex $line 5]
performDupe pretime $path $user $host $chan
close $of
set lastoct [file size $location(IOLOG)/ioFTPD.log]
utimer 1 "readlog"
return 0
But when i now make a new dir on the site, this happens in the sitechan:
[SECTION] + [PRETIME] :: test.folder :: was pre'd 12m 43s ago.
[SECTION] + [NEW RELEASE] :: 0529/test.folder by xxx/xxxx
but it should be the other way, first new folder and then pretime.
would be nice if anyone could help me further with that one, im not very familiar with tcl at all
** update **
problem solved. i found a solution:
got the solution:
// [...]
if { [info exists variables($msgtype)] } {
set echoline [parse $msgtype $var1 $section]
sndall $section $echoline
} else {
set echoline [parse DEFAULT $var1 $section]
sndall $section $echoline
if { $msgtype == "NEWDIR" } {
set path [lindex $line 5]
performDupe pretime $path $user $host $chan
all works fine