You're right for the second file, you need to open the data stream / file before reading anything from it. Also "gets" will only read one line from the file (starting where the current file pointer is). You can use "read" instead ; it'll read the whole file. I have also added a "-types f" switch to the "glob" command to make sure all files are files and not directories (or anything else).
I guess "underdog" appears in all the names of the logfiles you want to merge.
proc savePrelog {dir logfile} {
set data ""
set logfiles [glob -nocomplain -directory $dir -types f -- "*underdogs*.log"]
foreach logfile $logfiles {
set in [open $logfile r]
set data [read $in]
close $in
set out [open $logfile a]
puts $out $data
close $out
return $logfile
I hope this helps.
Good luck