Kann mir wer bestätigen das das so korreckt eingestellt is in der ini von site who
; u can use these as cookies in all templates
; set maxusers to your User_Limit setting in ioftpd.ini
sitename = XXXX
maxusers = 20
; path to template sets. default + 2/3/4/5 as extra.
template_path = D:\ioFTPD\scripts\sitewho\templates_admin
template_path_2 = D:\ioFTPD\scripts\sitewho\templates_limited
template_path_3 = D:\ioFTPD\scripts\sitewho\templates_dzsbot
; Will hide certain users from appearing in the list.
; Notes: - don't put spaces between separated items.
; - everything is case sensitive
; - wildcards allowed (even required) for paths
hide_flags = 1MNVG
hide_groups = SiTEOPS|NUKERS
hide_users = ADDiCT|darkone|ioFTPD
hide_services = Telnet_Service|HTTP_Service
hide_paths = /pre/*|/staff/*
oder muss auch noch was hier eingestellt werden
hide_flags = 1MNVG
hide_groups = SiTEOPS|NUKERS
hide_users = ADDiCT|darkone|ioFTPD
hide_services = Telnet_Service|HTTP_Service
hide_paths = /pre/*|/staff/*