wipe = EXEC ..\scripts\ioA\ioA.exe WIPE
wipe = TCL ..\scripts\newdir\OnSiteWipe.itcl
set msgtypes(RACE) "WIPE"
set disable(WIPE) 0
set variables(WIPE) "%pf %user %group %dirs %files %size"
No_Wipe_Path_0 = /PRE
Wipe_Not_Permitted = " Not allowed to wipe from here"
Wipe_Dir_Not_Found = " Could not find directory to wipe"
Wipe_Critical_Error = " Critical error. Did anyone else wipe directory at same time?\n Aborting to be safe"
Wipe_Resultmessage = " Wiped: %.0dirs dirs, %.0files files, %.2mbMB"
Wipe_File_Filter_0 = .*
Wipe_Log = ""%vfs" "%release" "%user@%group" "%.0files" "%.0dirs" "%.2mb""
Wipe_Logfile = C:\ioFTPD\logs\scripts\ioA.wipe.log