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Old 04-30-2005, 01:48 PM  
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 43

thanks for your answer

i was going to post a skin maybe, when it's finished. the group/user
stats after a race in this particular style are just something i've seen
on some other sites. I thought I would just collect some
outputs/features that i've seen and liked and make a new skin out
of it...

i was going to try to match an output like this one...

[0DAY] - +--------------------------------=UserTop=-------------------------------+
[0DAY] - 1. user1 of grp1 :: 6f :: 29.3MB :: 53.3% :: 26KB/s (WU:31/AU:74)
[0DAY] - 2. user2 of grp2 :: 6f :: 25.7MB :: 46.7% :: 1.41MB/s (WU:1/AU:1)
[0DAY] - +--------------------------------=GroupTop=------------------------------+
[0DAY] - 1. grp1 :: 6f :: 29.3MB :: 53.3% :: 26KB/s
[0DAY] - 2. grp2 :: 6f :: 25.7MB :: 46.7% :: 1.41MB/s
[0DAY] - +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
so in this case my announces look like:

set announce(USTATS-B)      "\[[c]$ioBvar(color1)[b][b]%section[c]\] - [c]14%pos. [b]%username[b] of %group :: [b]%files[b]F :: [b]%mb[b]MB  :: [b]%percent[b]% :: [b]%speedKB/s[b] (WU:[b]%rank1[b]/AU:[b]%rank2[b])[c]"
set announce(GSTATS-B)      "\[[c]$ioBvar(color1)[b][b]%section[c]\] - [c]14%pos. [b]%group[b] :: [b]%files[b]F :: [b]%mb[b]MB  :: [b]%percent[b]% :: [b]%speedKB/s[b][c]"

you could try to put the string in question with "\n" at the end of
"set announce(USTATS-B)" but that would repeat it for every
position in the ranking. so the only real option is to (even if its not
recommended) alter the message file.

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