k so i got some code off of this board trying to get this working and i have a prob. It all works, but when i complete a release, the dir has 10 or so incomplete bars left behind and i have to delete them. the dir has a complete bar as well. i am using the newest version of project-zs and newest verison of ioFTPD
void buffer_progress_bar(struct VARS *raceI)
int n;
if(raceI->total.files_missing == 0 && raceI->total.files ==0)
for(n=0; n < 14; n++)
raceI->misc.progress_bar[n] = progressmeter_filled_char;
raceI->misc.progress_bar[14] = 0;
for ( n = 0 ; n < (raceI->total.files - raceI->total.files_missing) * 14 / raceI->total.files ; n++) raceI->misc.progress_bar[n] = '#';
for ( ; n < 14 ; n++) raceI->misc.progress_bar[n] = '_';
#define progressmeter "[%V] - %3.0p%% Complete - [PLS]"
#define del_progressmeter "\\[..............] - ...% Complete - \\[PLS]"
help please thanks !